Rahat, Israel 🇮🇱

Population 64,462

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Rahat is a Bedouin city in the Negev desert region of Israel. It is the largest Bedouin city in the country and offers a unique cultural experience for visitors.

Places to visit

  • Alhussien Mosque: The largest and most prominent mosque in Rahat, known for its stunning architecture.
  • Rahat Museum: Learn about the history and culture of the Bedouin community in Rahat through artifacts and exhibits.
  • Rahat Bedouin Market: Explore the market to shop for traditional Bedouin crafts, clothing, and food.
  • Bedouin Hospitality Experience: Experience the warm hospitality of the Bedouin people with a traditional meal and cultural activities.
  • Nahal Rahat Nature Reserve: Enjoy hiking and nature walks in this beautiful desert reserve located near Rahat.

Local cuisine

  • Try traditional Bedouin dishes such as mansaf (lamb cooked in yogurt sauce) and maqluba (upside-down rice and vegetable dish).
  • Enjoy fresh pita bread with za’atar and olive oil, a staple of Bedouin cuisine.
  • Sip on sweet Bedouin tea, a popular beverage in Rahat.

Cultural events

  • Bedouin Wedding Festival: Experience a traditional Bedouin wedding celebration with music, dancing, and feasting.
  • Poetry Nights: Enjoy an evening of traditional Bedouin poetry and storytelling at local cafes and cultural centers.


  • Rahat is easily accessible by car or bus from major cities like Be’er Sheva and Jerusalem.
  • Taxis and shared taxis (sherut) are also available for transportation within the city and to nearby attractions.


  • There are a few guesthouses and boutique hotels in Rahat that offer a comfortable and authentic stay in the city.
  • Alternatively, visitors can opt to stay in nearby Be’er Sheva or other cities in the Negev region and visit Rahat as a day trip.