Manacapuru, Brazil 🇧🇷

Population 94,175

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Manacapuru is a charming city located in the Amazon Rainforest region of Brazil. Known for its lush natural beauty and vibrant culture, Manacapuru offers visitors a unique opportunity to experience the wonders of the Amazon up close.

Top Attractions

  • Meeting of the Waters: Witness the fascinating phenomenon where the dark waters of the Rio Negro meet the muddy waters of the Solimões River.
  • Anavilhanas National Park: Explore one of the largest river archipelagos in the world, home to diverse wildlife and stunning landscapes.
  • Canto do Boto: Visit this sanctuary for pink river dolphins and enjoy interactions with these friendly creatures.
  • Mercado Municipal: Browse through the local market to experience the flavors and colors of Brazil.
  • Pico da Neblina: Hike to the top of the highest peak in Brazil for breathtaking views of the region.

Local Cuisine

  • Pirarucu: Try this delicious Amazonian fish, known for its large size and tasty meat.
  • Tacacá: Sample this traditional soup made with dried shrimp, jambu leaves, and tucupi sauce.
  • Açaí: Indulge in this popular Brazilian superfood, served as a thick smoothie topped with granola and fruit.


  • Artesanato Manacapuru: Purchase handmade crafts and souvenirs made by local artisans.
  • Manacapuru Expedition: Shop for Amazonian products like seeds, oils, and textiles at this eco-friendly store.


  • Buses: Public buses are a convenient and affordable way to get around the city.
  • Taxis: Taxis are readily available for quick and flexible transportation within Manacapuru.
  • Boats: Explore the rivers and tributaries of the Amazon by taking a boat tour or water taxi.

Safety Tips

  • Stay Hydrated: The tropical climate of Manacapuru can be hot and humid, so drink plenty of water.
  • Mosquito Protection: Use insect repellent to avoid mosquito bites and prevent diseases like malaria or dengue fever.
  • Respect Wildlife: When interacting with animals, respect their natural habitat and follow guidelines provided by tour operators.